Tigger-oNs Half-Life  

date: 14th of January 1999.
Half-Life deathmatch level

title:            Old School
file:             tighl03.bsp
author:           Tigger-oN 
email address:    tig -AT- onemoremonkey -DOT- com
URL:              http://tig.onemoremonkey.com/
description:      Medium sized DM level. This is 
                   an *Old School Style* of map if 
                   you ask me, and its very heavyly 
                   based on a Clan Arena level i 
                   made a little while back.

play information

single player     well.. have a look, few special 
                   things, there were a lot more but 
                   had to be removed as a the hlds.exe 
                   did not like things like the 
                   skeleton/stukabat.mdl :[
cooperative:      no
skills 0,1,2,3:   no
deathmatch:       yes - FFA (3 to 6 ppl)
new sounds:       no
new graphics:     no
new music:        no

how to start      goto start/run (on the windows task bar) 
 in signle        browse for your hl.exe (look in 
 player mode:       half-life folder :])
                  once selected, don't hit run, at the 
                  hl.exe +map tighl03
                  if you want to have a console as well, 
                  make it
                  hl.exe -console +map tighl03

r_speeds are important to me. :]

Spent more time on this map than i have on any 
other map in a long time, this map has had a lot 
of work done to it, but I personal think it is 
not *over done*. I was constantly trying new 
things, adding and removing sections and 
optimising the level in many different ways.

The *fly-by* in the single player mode took about 
5 hours to work out, but its a nice start, and 
something a bit special/different. there is a few
other things in SP that are not in the DM game.

i did have the skeleton and stukabats, and some 
assassins, but these had to be removed as the 
*orginal* dedicated Half-Life server did not have 
these .mdls in the pak file :[ i made it so they 
didn't appear in a DM game, but the server still 
spat the dummer.

if your interested in the *assassin* version 
(theres only a few, but the its a nice *look* 
around) just email me, and i'll send it to you

The architecture comes from my local environment, 
i have *borrowed* lots of parts of the old and 
forgotten buildings around me. these building 
themself are a bit of a miss-mash of styles and 
era's and i think you can see this being reflected 
within this map. My world is far from *perfect* 
and i hate the idea of a *perfect virtual world*, 
hence the use of the miss-mash style. When i 
walk around these old buildings i like to tying 
to workout which bits where constructed first and 
which came later, i can see this being 
refferneced in this level too, and i like it!

Base map was a Clan Arena level i designed a 
little while ago. i don't think there where any 
brushes that did not get move or changed during 
the construction of this map.


base:           tigca02.map
editor:         WorldCraft 2 by Valve
other progs:    none
know bugs:      none
build time:     Lots :]

compile time:   qcsg 12sec
                qbsp2 14sec
                vis 108sec
                qrad 440sec
                 (pII 300 128ram)

thanx to ...

Brian Kelly
evilchild (the DOE is a great idea!)
Drakir (great feedback)
Barry Gibb[PN] (your email bounced :[)
Daniel 'Dann' Thombs (for the skeleton set-up, 
 bummer its only good for single player) 

and the others that i have forgoten :]

Distribution and legal: 

Copyright (c) 1999 ray, Tigger-oN
All rights reserved.

Portions copyrighted by Valve, Inc.
This level may be electronically distributed only at 
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST 
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN 


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Original graphics and html/asp by Tigger-oN.
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HaLF-LIFE font here. (Thanks Air Raid)
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