Tigger-oNs Half-Life  

Just a start - tighl01

My 1st HaLF-LIFE level which I call Just a Start, made before the games release from an evaluation version (build 718) that was sent out for review for magazines. Once I realized the pre-release had a copy of WorldCraft2 i didn't get much sleep :]

I have no idea at all how well it will play, I guess I'll just have to wait for the full release like everyone else.

Looking back its easy to see that this was basically a test level. I've done better.

tighl01 shot 1 tighl01 shot 2 tighl01 shot 3 tighl01 shot 4 tighl01 shot 5 tighl01 shot 6 tighl01 shot 7 tighl01 readme.txt

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HaLF-LIFE is a ® Trademark of VALVe
Original graphics and html/asp by Tigger-oN.
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HaLF-LIFE font here. (Thanks Air Raid)
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